I stumbled upon a new possibilty this week.  I can hardly think of anything else.  Do you know anything about the Republic of Georgia?  Neither did I.  I’ve found myself reading blog after blog after blog about people traveling to this unknown country to help it’s citizens realize a lifelong dream.  To learn the English language.  Now I’m not going to pretend to be a history buff, or pretend that I fully understand everything that has happened in or to this small country.  All I know is that I am absolutely facinated with it.  I’m facinated with it’s culture, with it’s people and with it’s eagerness.

The Ministry of Education has started a movement, for lack of a better term, to bring English speaking people from around the world to this country to “co-teach” our language.  Sure, there are many, many programs to travel the world and teach English as a second language.  If you can find the place on the map, chances are, there is a programs that will send you there to teach.  Qualifications vary from country to country.

Let me tell you the reason teaching in Georgia is so unique.  After an application process, and your acceptance into the program, the Ministry of Education will fully fund a round trip plane ticket from your home town to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.  They also pay you quite a lot (by Georgian standards) each month.

Upon your arrival, you receive a weeklong “training”.  This training, from what I’ve gathered, teaches you basic Georgian language, not to “flirt” with Georgian men or they will think you are to marry them, do not “flirt” with Georgian women or they will become your wife.  This week is also a way for other travelers to “bond” so that home doesn’t feel so far away.  The program has start dates twice per month.  They will only send a group if there are enough people…so you will always have someone there going through the same journey as you.

After your training week is over, you get to meet your host family.  Each of the blogs I’ve read has made me cry when I read about the initial meeting with their family.  The people of Georgia truly seem to be the most hospitible people in the world.

Why am I telling you all of this?  Why did I start this blog to tell you this?  Because, simply put, I want to go.  I cannot imagine a more fulfilling, soul searching, rewarding adventure than this.  I want to go more than anything in the world.  Realistically speaking, I would not be able to do anything of the sort until after the end of July.  August is my 30th birthday month.  Why not give myself the birthday gift of a lifetime?

I’m trying to weigh the pros and the cons.  I’ve been doing this all week.  I’m having quite a bit of trouble coming up with many cons.  Oh!  Did I mention that you can go for any amount of time?  I would like to go in August and come back in December.  I don’t think I could give up my family for Christmas.

Would you do this?  Have you done this?  Can I do this?

Any advice is much appreciated.
